Protocol Launch

Token Strategy Labs, Inc. hopes to launch ETHSR in as fair a manner as possible and pass over as many functions to the DAO as soon as possible.

The first stage of ETH Strategy DAO begins with a seed pool. Early depositors can deposit ETH into a vault that will be entirely controlled by future ETHSR holders. In exchange for depositing ETH, depositors are minted ETHSR tokens, which represent their membership in the DAO.

Upon deposit, depositors will be minted ETHSR tokens that will be non-transferrable until the DAO and protocol launch.

The funds will be held in a 2/4 multisig until the contracts are fully audited and reviewed. This process may take some time, so only deposit if you're comfortable with a wait.

ETH will convert to ETHSR immediately with a unit conversion of 1:30,000. ETHSR transfers will be paused until the ETH and ownership are transferred to the governor contract.

When transferability is turned on, 10% of deposited ETH will be paired with ETHSR and deployed into a full-range Uniswap V3 pool. The ETH Strategy DAO will provide this liquidity.

Although the DAO will be responsible for the LP position, LP fees will accrue to Token Strategy Labs, Inc. to ensure funding for the development team.

Last updated